This plugin is deprecated and no longer maintained by Algolia.


List of all the commandline arguments that can be passed to the plugin and what they do. Includes ENV variables as well.


Here is the list of command line options you can pass to the jekyll algolia command:

Flag Description
--config ./_config.yml You can here specify the config file to use. Default is _config.yml
--dry-run or -n Do a dry run, do not actually push anything to your index
--verbose Display more information about what is going to be indexed
--force-settings Force update of the index settings

Environment variables

The recommended place to store your Algolia application ID and index name are in the _config.yml file but there are a few environment variables your can define to overwrite those values.

key value
ALGOLIA_APPLICATION_ID Your Application ID, available in your dashboard.
ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME Your Index name, any string will work
ALGOLIA_API_KEY Your Admin API Key, available in your dashboard.

_algolia_api_key file

The recommended way to define your Algolia admin API key is to use the ALGOLIA_API_KEY environment variable. Because this key should be kept secret, its better if it’s loaded directly from the environment. But the plugin can also load the key from another source.

You can create a file named _algolia_api_key in your source directory that contains your admin API key. If no ALGOLIA_API_KEY environment variable is defined, the plugin will fallback to the value set in the _algolia_api_key file.

Note that this method trades off security for convenience, so be very careful when using it. Do not commit this file in your versioning system (add it to your .gitignore for example).